Data Sharing

The Limno Loan program is now integrated with FieldScope. This map-based data collection and analysis platform allows you and your students to share data and explore data from around the Great Lakes region. Simply upload your data to our shared FieldScope database and you can use tools to create data visualizations and track your water quality data from year to year.

Great Lakes Limno Loan Data

This map includes data collected by educators and students who have participated in the Limno Loan program. In addition, U.S. EPA data from long-term monitoring stations in each of the five Great Lakes have been added to jumpstart your investigations. Visit the Great Lakes Limno Loan FieldScope site to dive further into the data.

The Limno Loan program cannot verify the accuracy of the water quality data reported. These data are preliminary and are subject to revision. They are being shared solely for classroom investigations. 

Get Started with FieldScope

Watch this video for a brief overview of how to enter your Limno Loan water quality data into the shared FieldScope database.

More Help

Create an Account

Need help creating an account? Read this article with tips on registering an account with FieldScope.

FieldScope Support Articles

FieldScope provides articles to support your use of the data-sharing platform. Learn how to export data, create data visualizations, and share your data.

FieldScope Inquiry Materials

Design your own inquiry lesson using FieldScope’s advanced mapping and graphing tools. This resource folder contains a teacher’s guide, data sensemaking strategies, and student handout templates.