Through Limno Loan, educators can borrow water quality sondes, which are instruments with multiple sensors that measure water conditions. Sondes provide an easy and accurate way to collect data instantly.
Each Hydrolab DS5 sonde, houses seven sensors, measuring:
The Hydrolab DS5 sonde transmits measurements directly to a handheld data logger called the Surveyor. The Surveyor displays equipment settings and measurements of all of the water quality parameters listed above.
In addition, a Secchi disk is included in the kit. This instrument is also used to measure water clarity visually.
Use the buttons below to learn more about each topic:
Hydrolab DS5 multiparameter sonde
Surveyor and clipboard
Secchi disk
Limno Loan
c/o Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant
Purdue University
195 Marsteller Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2033
Phone: 765-496-6009
This program is administered by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative via cooperative agreement between the U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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